Make your Will, free of charge

As part of our commitment to our supporters, we are pleased to provide an opportunity for you to have your Will written free of charge.
Through our straightforward free Will writing service, you can complete your Will online or meet with an Estate Planner from Accord Legal Services and write your Will without cost to you or to Adventure Therapy. It is a completely free and confidential service and we are not notified of the arrangements you have made, unless you request otherwise.
If you already have a Will in place, it is good practice to review your arrangements from time to time. This could be due to a life event, such as marriage, a property purchase, the birth of a child, divorce or after the loss of a loved one. As our service is free, if you need to amend your existing Will it is often more straightforward to rewrite it, if it is appropriate to do so.
We offer our free Will writing service throughout the year and unlike some schemes, it is not limited to a particular age group (other than the need to be over 18 years of age). And, whilst we would be extremely grateful to be remembered in your Will, after you have remembered those closest to you, or for any donation you may wish to give in support of our work, there is no obligation to do so.
Accord Legal Services can arrange to meet you in your own home or provide their service through Zoom or Skype, if it is preferable.
If you choose to write your Will using our online service, this will be checked by a legal expert and you will be called by Kwil to ensure you are happy with your arrangements and to answer any questions you may have.
To make your Will online, free of charge, please click here or to make an appointment with Accord Legal Services please visit Accord Legal Services.
Please Note
Adventure Therapy are not charged for providing this scheme to our supporters.
Adventure Therapy will not be liable or held accountable for any information or advice that you are provided with under our free Will writing service and we do not endorse products or businesses. Please ensure you discuss your requirements fully with your legal advisor to ensure it meets your needs. Adventure Therapy will not be informed of any arrangements made, unless you request otherwise.