Inspire your company

Sole trader, local business, national or international - there are many ways your company can get involved and support the children and adults who benefit from Adventure Therapy.
Collecting tins, posters, banners and sponsorship forms - we can provide you with the materials you need to get your colleagues on board and make a positive difference in their community.
We can also dual brand some items and provide publicity for your company on our website and social media. And we can put out a press release to engage the community and promote your charitable support - a great way to promote your brand image.
Supporting Adventure Therapy through your organisation can bring brand loyalty from your customers, motivate your staff and help toward social responsibility.
Here are a few suggestions you may wish to consider, but please get in touch to discuss how we may be able to work together:
Regular Giving
You can do this directly through your payroll and its a great way for your employees to contribute from their salary, each month.
Charity of the Year
Do you have a Charity of the Year or official charity association on an ongoing basis? We would love the opportunity to work with you and engage with your employees and customers through joint PR and events - and it's a great way to promote your company to a wider audience, whilst helping to change lives through adventure.
If you would like us to submit a written proposal for consideration or present to you and your staff, please let us know - we would welcome the opportunity to work together.
Donation of Gifts in Kind
We are always extremely grateful to receive goods or services which benefit our service users. Whether that is a particular item which could be used directly as part of an activity or something which helps us to run our charity more efficiently, saving vital funds.
We are also grateful for items which can be sold on our eBay store to raise money or the donation of raffle or auction prizes, which can save time and money in sourcing them directly.
We are always grateful to speak to anyone who may be interested in volunteering - from helping with administration, at events or through talks in the community, to becoming a brand ambassador for Adventure Therapy. We are also keen to speak to you if you or your team are proficient in outdoor activities and may be in a position to voluntary lead or assist with excursions and adventures. To volunteer the gift of your time, please click here or contact us to discuss how you or your employees may be able to volunteer, as a one-off, occasionally or on a regular basis.
You may wish to consider sponsorship of one of our campaigns - a great way for brand exposure and developing new markets.
Thank you
Your generous support will help children and adults with mental health conditions, physical disability, learning disability, life-limiting illnesses or life-changing conditions to explore their boundaries and create special memories with their families.