Inspire your community

Your local community may feel small, but you can be part of something far larger by getting involved and inspiring others to support children and adults with mental health conditions, physical disability, learning disability, life-limiting illnesses or life-changing conditions.
You can be assured that any support you feel able to provide will make a genuine difference to our service users.
Here are a few ideas to get you started in your community:
Setting up a community stall or promotional stand
Arrange a stall at a community fair, show or fete and sell cakes, plants or books. They are a great way to raise money and awareness.
Hold a coffee morning
Invite friends, family and neighbours for a cup of coffee (or a mug of tea!) and cake and ask for a donation to Adventure Therapy, for the refreshments provided. It's a great way to be sociable whilst helping to raise vital funds in support of our cause.
Assisting with a collection
Small change makes a big difference. Collections at supermarkets, garden centres or at events are a really good way to raise awareness - and funds. You could also volunteer to find suitable places to place static tins and arrange to collect them on our behalf, when full.
Inspiring support from your school, college or university
Ask your teacher or lecturer whether you could hold a colour theme day, for a donation to Adventure Therapy or think of another way of dressing up in something unique to raise awareness. Consider holding a music concert or theatre and ask for donations on ticket sales.
Challenge your teachers to a sporting event, with each team paying a fee to enter and consider making it an annual event, with a trophy for the winning team.
Making a one-off donation
Donations of whatever size make a vital difference to our work - each and every £1 we receive is a £1 we didn't have before you kindly donated it to us. To make the most of your donation, if you are a UK tax payer please remember to Gift Aid it and the government will give an additional 25p for every £1 you kindly donate to Adventure Therapy.
Setting up a regular gift
You could provide a donation every month or annually through your bank account, in support of the children and adults who benefit from our work. This could be in memory of someone special, on an anniversary, birthday or at Christmas.
Providing a donation in-memoriam
You might choose to request donations in lieu of flowers at a funeral, as a dedication to your loved one. Some people like to set up a regular donation to charity through their bank account, recognising a birthday, Christmas or special anniversary, in memory.
Include a gift to Adventure Therapy in your Will
A gift in your Will can be of whatever size and by leaving a legacy as a lasting testament, you can be part of our future.
To find out more about leaving a gift in your Will to Adventure Therapy, please click here.